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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

night clubin

Have you ever noticed how stalkerish the Police "every breath you take" song is? It's pretty bad.

Anyway, i would just like to point out right now that I'm in the greatest continent in the world. And I will never ever leave this continent. Quite possibly not this country, because it is so awesome. If I could tell you why right now I'd be the greatest writer ever, but instead I'm just a shmuck with at blog, who may be a little intoxicated. Perhaps that last point is why this continent is so great. Actually, the entire Pacific Rim is awesome, minus the America's. Aside from the chicken feet and snails I had tonight, it's fucking cool. I think the most fun I've ever had has been while touching the Pacific. Sydney, Shanghai, Byron Bay, Beijing, are all awesome. I even enjoyed Tokyo for the day I was there. I've never been to Seoul, but I bet that's cool too. Same with Taiping and hte rest of them. The entire Pacific rules. Even latin America is cool, because it's full of beautiful people, good music, and food. And for america, san fran, seattle, and even LA are the best. you people still stuck on the atlantic are behind hte times. it's boring and backwards. except cape town, which might as well be int he pacific because it's so cool. The pacific rules all. I'm done with it. I'm staying in this area of the world for the rest of my life.

Alright, i'd also like to point out at this time, that unless your young, good looking, or interesting, I'm not interested in you. So if your old, ugly, or boring, just walk the other way. even if you have money. Anyone who is interested in only money is a terrible person. i didn't used to think this way, but I've been convinced otherwise.

Alright, I'm going to bed. I have to wake up in acouple hoursw and go jogging. the pacific fucking rocks. I love this fucking area. Also, I'd like to point out that i can drink anyone in this country unde the table. and sicne i taught a bunch of peeps that phrase this evening, if you ever hear some chinese person say 'under table' ask them if they know an american girl named kexx, or ke xin, or nicole. or if they just know some american who was yelling l'escargot at them all night. because there might just be a connection.

alright, goodnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best post so far. Hands down.