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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

grinning idiot

It's getting cold in Shanghai now. I actually have to wear my coat when I go outside. I would say it came out of nowhere, but I guess it is the middle of November.

For some reason there are printing/photo shops every five feet in China. Probably just as an excuse to cut down trees but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I needed some passport photos for various reasons so I had to stop in one today.

I figured I'd just go out to one on the main street where I catch my bus, but as I was walking to the Kodak store I saw a little red sign in Chinese advertising passport photos. The main street where I catch my bus is lined with name brand clothing, cosmetic, and other retail stores. Across the street from the first Sephora in China a sign was propped up against a little ally way about as wide as a door.

I figured it had to be cheaper than the Kodak store so I started walking down this narrow, otherwise unmarked ally. About 50 feet in it came to a 'T' with just another small written sign and an arrow pointing to the right. I took a right and continued to walk in behind the storage rooms of the stores on the main street to a door that had another arrow. I walked up a couple flights of wooden stairs that were falling apart and had cracks on the walls.

Now, since I've grown up watching scary movies and the news, part me was on guard and expecting to be robbed, raped, and/or murdered at the end of this journey. Fortunately, at the top of the stairs was just a small 10'x10' room with three computers, numerous different types of hardware, a copy machine, and a blank wall for passport photos.

Out popped a small Chinese couple sucking on popsicles. Like most Chinese when they see a foreigner, they started grunting and pointing. I told them in Chinese that they could speak Chinese to me, but then they pointed to their ears indicating they were deaf. I only felt like an asshole for about 5 seconds.

Not only were they deaf and mute, but after trying to negotiate a price with them over a piece of written paper I learned they were nearly blind too. And I thought I was going to be drugged and murdered.

Anyway, somehow they managed to take my picture straight and print it out okay. They wouldn't let me smile in the picture so I look like a serial killer. Every time I'd try to sneak in a grin last minute, they'd indicate I'd ruined the picture and take another one. Since I don't really sleep because of noise, light, and the fear of never waking up, I think I have permanent bags under my eyes so the 'America's Most Wanted' look really shows.

So anyway, there's my Shanghai 'charm' for the week. Take it whatever way you want.

Also, a month from today I leave China...

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