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Thursday, February 23, 2006

no more monkeys...

I've come up with a sad reason to be out of China - other than the fact that everything is more expensive. I don't have as much to write about anymore.

I saw a BBC article on a Tiananmen Square activist and wanted to blog it but decided that I need a new theme.

Sure I still email close friends stories of Chinese kids jumping off their beds and falling out of windows but I feel like I shouldn't dwell on these things now that I'm no longer there.

So I need a new theme that incorporates casual references to my China hobby. Being an American abroad usually has some funny stories.

For example, today I received a phone call from my roommate. He and his coworkers were in a heated debate as to whether or not Hillary Clinton had a female lover. I was designated the "expert" assigned to answer the question since I'm American. I could of told them anything. I said I thought it was only suggested because she was a female politician that went to a pretty lesbian school, but there was no proof.

See, I can still be stereotypical.

So anyway, I'll work on a theme.

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