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Sunday, February 12, 2006


Laying out
Originally uploaded by knicole7.
Well, I'm back.

I believe the last time I really wrote I was excited to leave China. I got out.

I'm sure nobody is reading this blog any more, but I'll try to keep writing.

Anyway, I'm in Melbourne now. After I left China I had a couple of days in San Francisco, then went to New York for about 5 days, came home to SLC for xmas, went to LA to bring in the New Year, sat around SLC for another couple weeks waiting on my visa, went back to SF for a day, on to Singapore for another day, was in Darwin for a couple days, and now I'm in Melbourne.

Since I've been here I've spent most of my time trying to find a place to live. I have one now. And after too many trips to IKEA I'm in a mostly furnished room. My room stinks like sand-colored IKEA cheap wood.

As someone pointed out - I'm on my way to a Fight Club reality.

This brings me to a conversation I had whilst in the US of A. I do enjoy going back to America for a bit. It's mostly a blur of random conversations, a bit of a waking life.

Anyway, I was at brunch with a good friend of mine and she was telling me how one of her friends ran into a mutual acquaintance at an AA meeting (this is in SLC, 1/3 of the people under 25 are in AA.) The odd thing about running into this acquaintance at the AA meeting was that the person actually never drank. She was just there because she was 're-establishing' her spiritual role in life.

Now, for anyone who's seen Fight Club, you'll remember that the guy starts going to AA and other support groups for something to do. He becomes addicted to support groups.

Maybe I'll pick that up. And then blow up the world.

Well anyway, I'm here in Melbourne for the next year and a half or so. I've been greeted with comments like, "American! Wow, that's like being born into slavery."

He later decided that wasn't the best analogy, but "You should get a disabled card when you travel..." was deemed fitting.

Wow, I'm finally American again, not just a first world country that a nation of people are aspiring to be. Well, at least I won't here about that for a while.

Okay, I'm not used to this blogging thing. Give me some time.

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