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Saturday, August 06, 2005

social light

I have now reached the pinnacle of society. Yes, yes, that's right. My smiling face has appeared in the Shanghai social pages. Pages normally reserved for head's of state, celebrities, royalty, and now me. As far as I can tell, I no longer have to go on living because my life can't get any better than it is right now. I might as well retire my socialite position, move to the suburbs, consider the galleria a cultural event, and start contributing to the overpopulation of the world.

No, it's alright though. I bumped into a friend of mine who told me about it last night. Yes I did decide to go out. Sure driving was a little dangerous, and we were hydroplaning the entire way, but if you're not willing to take risks in life, why bother living? Also, I was thirsty. So for the past couple days I've been published and I didn't even realize it. Amazing. It's a good picture too, I'm wearing a cute top and everything.

Anyway, I must depart for brunch now. I can't keep my fans waiting.

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