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Sunday, July 03, 2005


It's really hot here. Supposedly record temperatures. I"m not entirely sure. I haven't worn pants for weeks. I just walk around in shorts, skirts, and small tops, glisten with sweat, and strip as soon as I enter my house. It's even hot in the middle of the night. I wake up in a pool of sweat every morning. Our electricity bill is going to be through the roof b/c our ac is always on. I'm waiting for the power to go out. That should be good. I'm constantly drinking throughout the day. I've been spending copious amounts of time at Starbucks and other coffee shops just to keep cool. But it's not so bad.

I don't really mind the heat. I'd rather be hot than cold. And a burst of ac when you walk inside is always nice. But it's fighting weather. People are more confrontational in the heat. Or at least I am. Something may happen walking around this mug of a city.

There are a bunch of people with whistles at major intersections that are supposed to control traffic. They're mostly just annoying. Today I was waiting to cross the road. I took a step into the street and the guy started blowing his whistle at me. I wasn't planning on crossing, just wanted to be ahead of the crowd. Anyway, I didn't move. He just sat there blowing his whistle at me and waving his arm. Finally he walked up to me. We stood about a foot apart just looking at each other for a couple seconds. Finally I said, "What?"

He just looked at me with his whistle in his mouth. We were daring each other.

Then I went, "Oh, you want me to step back?"

We both smiled and the light changed and I crossed.

I don't know why I did it. I'm telling you, it's fighting weather.

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