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Friday, December 01, 2006

Free Willy

The whales are fighting back.

And really, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. You take them out of the lovely oceans, although they are becoming ever increasingly polluted, which are much nicer than the fishbowl they stick them in at sea world. All those noisy children with their sweet snacks, crying, laughing, pointing...

At least in the ocean, all you have to put up with is Greenpeace. I'm not sure, what's worse? Greenpeace or some fat kid hovering and staring with his ice cream?

I guess we all live in some kind of fishbowl.

I had some Chinese food earlier. It may or may not have contained msg.

By the way, I don't like Greenpeace, but I don't think I'll get into why in this blog.

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